Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Right Wing Extremists On The Rise

You know what I don't understand? I don't understand the rise in right wing extremists groups and white supremacist groups in the US. Frankly, I don't understand the existence of these groups period, but I certainly don't understand why the number, and number of members, of these groups are on the upswing.

Extremist Groups on the Rise

For the record, the attached article from the AP discusses a rise in these groups in the Northwestern US, but it seems obvious that this problem is not geographically isolated to one part of our country. That being said, let's review some of the things these groups stand for.

They are "anti-government". Okay, what does that mean exactly? Are they against the federal government? Are they against their respective state governments? Regardless, what I find so ridiculous about this is that so many of the members of these groups want to stand on soapboxes and bellyache about law and order, call themselves "patriots", and blather on about the Constitution, yet they are against legally, Constitutionally elected governments? They talk about law and order, but fire weapons at law enforcement officers?

They rail against "big government" and "government intrusion" into their lives while driving on federally funded highways to attend their rallies where security will be provided by locally funded police officers, firefighters, and EMS providers. They will then fly home from federally funded airports with federally funded air marshals on the flights where they will eat food screened for safety by state funded food safety workers. I would also be willing to bet none of them turn down their Medicare cards or social security checks either.

Obviously socialism really has run amok here in America, and all of these services should be privatized as soon as possible!!! Am I the only one who sees the utter hypocrisy and lack of logic here? If these people weren't so dangerous, even deadly at times, it would actually be funny.

Of course, the number, and activity level, of these groups has increased exponentially since President Obama's election in 2008. Of course, it isn't racially motivated. It is because Mr. Obama is a "socialist". I am sure the increase in white supremacist groups is merely coincidental. (I shall also state for the umpteenth time that most of those who shriek about Mr. Obama being a "socialist" would not know a true socialist if Karl Marx shook their hands. I have a dear friend who escaped from a true socialist country with her parents many years ago, and I truly wish the dunderheads who so flippantly toss that word about could hear her story.) I am sure the fact that Mr. Obama has been subjected to more threats on his life than any other president in history is also a coincidence. I am sure the attempted bombing of a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day parade in Spokane was yet another chance happening.

Folks, is this 2011 or 1964? We elected an African-American president, yet racism runs rampant in our country. Black folks have achieved prominence in all aspects of society, yet they are still stereotyped as lazy, uneducated, promiscuous, ignorant, and prone to criminal activity. African-Americans are elected officials, CEOs, heads of industry, lawyers, physicians, nurses, police officers, firefighters, EMTs, accountants, farmers, and members of all other professions imaginable, yet so many members of our populace think all they are capable of is playing basketball and rapping.

Dear readers, all people are equal. We all come from the same God. We all deserve equal opportunity and equal protection. It is too bad members of these racist groups don't, or won't, understand this basic premise.

Peace and love, my brothers and sisters.

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