Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Tea Party Is Cheering The Deaths Of The Uninsured

You know what I don't understand?  I don't understand how the so-called Tea Party can be so callous that they are actually cheering the deaths of the uninsured.  Seriously.  It was repulsive enough when they lustily cheered Rick Perry's Texas execution record, but now they are celebrating the death of the uninsured.

Example number one involved an exchange at a Tea Party rally involving libertarian favorite Ron Paul (R-TX).  When asked about who should care for an uninsured thirty year old injured in a traffic accident, the Tea Party crowd actually cheered at the moderator's suggestion that the person in question die due to lack of care.  (Notice the classy sign being held by the Tea Bagger in the attached link.)

Tea Party And Ron Paul Cheer The Death Of An Uninsured 30 Year Old

Example two occurred during this week's Republican/Tea Party presidential debate.  While the aforementioned Gov. Perry was attempting to attack former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney's healthcare plan, the Tea Baggers in the audience actually cheered at the idea of a twentysomething dying because he/she could not afford health insurance.  Yes, you read that right.  The Tea Party is happy about death by poverty.  Just when you think they can't be any more reprehensible...........  See the 9:23pm entry in the attached link.

An Uninsured Twentysomething Died? Hell, Yes!!!!!!!!!

And here is a very personal story from someone who lost an uninsured loved one to cancer.  I am sure my Tea Bagger readers either won't read this link, or will come up with some ignorant, inane "reason" why this man should have suffered like he did, and I can tell you on first hand authority that this is not an isolated incident.

Here Is What You Shameful Tea Party Hacks Are Cheering

Ladies and gentlemen, I just cannot fathom this.  The Tea Baggers are happy, nay---celebratory, because those who cannot afford health insurance may prematurely die.  Yeah, that is just great.  You scumbags make me oh-so-proud to be an American.  The biggest problem this country has right now is that all anyone cares about is what they have and how they can keep it.  If the other guy doesn't have it and has no chance to get it, who gives a damn as long as I can keep mine!!!!  Unconscionable!!!!  What is wrong with the people in this country???  Have we lost our compassion and charity??????  The Tea Party most assuredly does not represent the America that I love and am sworn to defend.  I do not recognize the America that they put forth, and I hope you don't either, dear reader.  Let us be sure that their despicable agenda is stopped in its tracks.

Peace and love, my brothers and sisters.

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