Monday, August 1, 2011

Two Stories Of Human Courage

Today, let's review two stories of extreme human courage.  You know, when there is so much selfishness and so many "woe is me" pity parties out there, we all need to hear about people like these next two courageous ladies to show what true human strength really is. 
Our first inspirational lady is Iranian Ameneh Bahrami, 34, who lost her eyesight and suffered horrific disfigurement after acid was thrown in her face by Majid Movahedi.  Mr. Movahedi was angered because Ms. Bahrami rejected his marriage proposal, so he threw acid in her face, which ultimately cost the young lady her sight as well as causing horrible burns on her scalp, face, and body. 

A court ruling had allowed Bahrami to have a doctor pour a few drops of the corrosive chemical in one of Movahedi's eyes as retribution based on the Islamic law system of "qisas," or eye-for-an-eye retribution.  However, as the procedure (for lack of a better word) was about to begin, Ms. Bahrami announced that she had forgiven her attacker, and his eyesight was spared.

Iranian Blinded By Acid Pardons Her Attacker

Now, stop and think about that, folks.  How many of us, had we endured such agony and permanent disability, would not have welcomed the chance to have our attacker face a similar fate?  How many of us would have been overcome by a desire for revenge or retribution under such circumstances?  Deep down, I think most of us would, if we had gone through what this lady went through, yet she was able to forgive the man who assailed her.  She forgave the man who burned away her eyesight and her face.  Again, think about that for a minute, folks.  We all should have such courage and be so willing to forgive transgressions, large and small.

Our second brave lady is Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), who appeared on the floor of the House of Representatives this evening to cast a vote in favor of the debt ceiling compromise after being shot in the head and severely wounded in January of this year. 

Giffords In House For First Time Since Shooting

This intrepid public servant, after nearly being killed less than a year ago, and after undergoing countless hours, days, weeks, and months of surgeries, rehabilitation, and therapy, took to the floor of the House to cast a vote to a standing ovation of her colleagues on both sides of the aisle.  It take a great deal of inner strength and an extraordinary will to survive and recover to overcome such a grave wound.  Regardless of your party affiliation, her persistence in reclaiming her life should be an inspiration to all of us. 

Peace and love, my brothers and sisters.

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