Thursday, July 7, 2011

Presidential Debates On Twitter? RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know what I don't understand?  I don't understand how anyone can actually think political discourse, up to and including presidential debates, should be conducted on Twitter.

Explain Your Position On Tax Reform In 140 Characters Or Less

True confession time...............  I have a Twitter account, but I rarely use it for anything but to post this blog and a "Song Of The Day" for my fellow music lovers.  When I watch people attempt to "debate" politics on Twitter, I never know if I should laugh or cry at the sheer absurdity of it.   For the record, "BHO is an idiot" and "Palin is a moron" and the other thoughtful insight you will find on Twitter do not qualify as intelligent political discussion, at least by my definition.

Now, it is one thing for common citizens and even elected officials to make 140 character statements about the issues of the day and current policy, even though Twitter itself is, by far, the silliest thing I have ever seen.  I mean, really, how can one express a logical thought or opinion in 140 characters?

It was bad enough that President Obama chose to hold a "Twitter Townhall" earlier this week (where he at least did not limit his responses to the 140 characters), but now there are discussion about a presidential debate on Twitter?  I wish I were making this up, but I am not.

Has political debate in this country really sunk to this level?  We are going to limit political discussion to a limited number of characters with no regard to grammar, spelling, or punctuation.  Seriously?  Have we really been this dumbed down as a nation?  The Lincoln-Douglas debates have regressed to...............Twitter.  God save us if this is the case. 

I was bemused by the gentleman in the article who said Twitter will essentially force candidates to "answer the question".  You don't say?  I can hardly wait to hear our potential future leaders explain their stance on the Middle East peace process, the tax code, the threat of terrorism, same sex marriage, etc. in 140 characters.  (I take very little solace from the fact that "multiple tweets" will be permitted during this proposed debate.  The whole concept is still sodding inane.)

I understand that media changes, and our politics have to evolve, but Twitter?????????????  May the Good Lord help us.

Peace and love, my brothers and sisters.

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