Monday, December 12, 2011

Really, Gov. Perry? President Obama Is Waging A "War On Religion"?

To paraphrase GOP messiah, Ronald Reagan, well, there they go again.................

Republican presidential hopeful, Rick Perry, recently launched a television ad bemoaning the horror at gays being allowed to serve in the military while children supposedly cannot celebrate Christmas in school.  Gov. Perry, as if on cue, then laments Mr. Obama's "war on religion".  Of course, the lapdogs that are the right wing media fell in lock step behind Perry's baseless comments.

Where to begin, dear readers?  Perhaps I should give more than passing mention to the good governor's bashing of gay soldiers.  Of course, when GOP supporters boo an openly gay solider, why am I not surprised?  Still, I digress.  Yes, indeed, Gov. Perry, why should these able bodied, patriotic Americans be allowed to serve in the military?  Could it be because this country was founded on equal opportunity and due process for all?  What a horrific prospect, Gov. Perry!!!!!  Gays and lesbians in the military!!!!  Oh, the horror.  As that old saying goes, in the heat of battle no one cares whether the solider in the foxhole next to you is gay or straight.  They just care whether you can shoot straight.What I really can't understand is why so many gay and lesbian Americans are willing to fight and possibly die for a country where bigots like Gov. Perry are viable candidates for president and for a country that won't let them marry who they love.

Ah, and yes, the mythical war against Christmas continues....................  Again, Gov. Perry, this nation was founded on inclusiveness and equality.  Is it so horrible to have "holiday" parties and such, so that the children who aren't Christians don't feel excluded?  Isn't America about being a melting pot with respect and equality for all?  The Constitution that I have studied over the years certainly leads me to think so.  By the way, this would be the same Constitution that outlines the number of justices on the Supreme Court.  Based on your previous comments, you may not be familiar with it.

Somehow, in Gov. Perry's rather convoluted mind, this equates to President Obama waging a war on religion.  Some in the right wing media even suggested that the president attended church for the first time since Easter as a direct result of Mr. Perry's inane comments.  As if there is any relevance whatsoever to the frequency with which Mr. Obama attends services.  As I often say, sitting in church doesn't make you a Christian any more than sitting in a garage makes you a car.

Interestingly, Gov. Perry, the Christianity that is practiced by President Obama appeals to me.  The Christianity that you apparently practice does not.  Perhaps that isn't God who you think is speaking to you, but someone who occupies a bit darker and (ahem) warmer locale.

Peace and love, my brothers and sisters.

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