Friday, May 27, 2011

Twatwaffles Of The Week

And away we go..............................
First, a dicknozzle of douchebaggery (aka an honorable mention): The occupants of an apartment on the edge of the Purdue University campus in West Lafayette, IN, who were displaying an American flag in their front window. While I appreciate their display of patriotism, they had the flag hanging in such a way that the field of stars was in the upper right land corner instead of the upper left hand corner per proper US flag display rules. Yeah, guys, if you're gonna display our flag, please do it properly. Just sayin'.................

Number Five: Radio and MSNBC commentator Ed Schultz, who in his radio show earlier in the week, referred to commentator Laura Ingraham as a "right wing slut". Nice talk, Ed. You are making Limbaugh sound civil. This is yet another reason why I have no use whatsoever for the windbags that try to pass themselves off as political pundits in this day and age.

She Is A Right Wing What??

Number Four: for running headline that reads, "Florida and Texas in Jobs Pissing Match". Seriously? Pissing match? This is considered an acceptable headline for mainstream, credible, media website? Next time, let's leave the locker room talk in the locker room, shall we?

They Are In What Kind Of Match?????

Number Three: Donald Cushing, a 59 year old high school teacher from Chicopee, MA, who allegedly sent lewd and pornographic photos to a 15 year old female student's cell phone. Okay, if adults want to send sexually charged material to each others' phones, I guess that is on them; but when a high school teacher does so with a student, it just makes my skin crawl. How do these people justify abusing their positions of authority and influence like this? I don't get it, but it does gain them instant twatwaffle status.

Teacher Or Sicko? You Decide

Number Two: Tiki Barber, the erstwhile running back from the New York Football Giants, who recently compared himself to Anne Frank after moving into his Jewish agent's attic in order to escape the glare of the media after leaving his pregnant wife and moving in with his girlfriend, an action that earned him twatwaffle status as well. Tiki, seriously, dude, Anne Frank? An innocent girl who hid in a cramped attic from the Nazis for two years before dying in a concentration camp at age 15 after being captured? Seriously? You are comparing your sleazy, overpaid, philandering, millionaire self to her? Shameful. Shameful, and most assuredly a twatwaffle times two. Here is hoping you are never seen, nor heard from again, on the football field or in the commentator's booth.

Tiki Frank? I Think Not.

Number One: Harold Camping. Yep, the same Harold Camping that was last week's Number One Twatwaffle has achieved a first in the history of this blog. Not only has he made the weekly twatwaffle list on two consecutive weeks, but he is Number One two weeks running, a feat unequaled in the history of You Know What I Don't Understand?

Why is he back? Well, as if it weren't bad enough that his concrete prediction of the Rapture happening on 21 May 11 didn't occur (either that or so few people were called to heaven that we haven't missed them yet), he has now decided that he merely miscalculated. It would seem that 21 Oct 11 has now been determined to be the big day. I know I for one will be waiting with baited breath just as I did last Saturday. I'll just bet we will all be disappointed again. What is even worse is that I am sure thousands of people will continue to believe in Mr. Camping, send him money, cut all their worldly ties in late October, and then make excuses for him when he is wrong........................again. Please, sir, take yourself and your crackpot predictions back to the swamps of Florida where they belong. You should be ashamed of yourself. I am sure are not, but you bloody well should be.

Wait!!! Wait!!!!!! I Was Off By Six Months

Peace and love, my brothers and sisters.

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