Thursday, May 5, 2011

Is Your Phone Call THAT Important?

You know what I don't understand? I don't understand the utter lack of etiquette regarding the use of cell phones in public. Within the last month, I have personally observed the following behavior of people using cell phones:

  • A student at the college where I attend nursing school yapping on his phone while (ahem) taking care of his business at a urinal.
  • A man at a sporting event conducting an extremely loud conversation while sitting in a restroom stall. (Think about the "yuck factor" involved there.)
  • A woman engaging in a screaming match in the middle of a major retail outlet.
  • Several individuals walking into other people because they were so engrossed in their phones that they couldn't be bother to actually watch where they were walking.
  • And don't even get me started on the number of people who weave in and out of traffic while going 10 mph under the speed limit because they are blabbering on their phones rather than paying attention to their driving.

Seriously, people. Is the call you are on so important that you have to subject the rest of us to these types of boorish behaviors? I can honestly say that, at age 43, I have never taken nor received a phone call that was so important that I would have being using a phone in a public restroom!!!!

Think about that the next time you feel you need to use your phone in the presence of others.

Peace and love, my brothers and sisters.

1 comment:

  1. This happened to me once. I actually yelled over the stall wall at her, "Is nothing sacred?!"
