Monday, May 2, 2011

Some Thoughts On Osama bin Laden's Demise

I really wasn't sure how I wanted to approach the death of Osama bin Laden when the news broke yesterday. However, after reading a lot of posts on Facebook and Twitter as well as reviewing a lot of writings in the blogosphere, I think I want to discuss the notion of "credit" for Mr. bin Laden's termination. I fail to understand this notion that President Obama deserves no credit for the successful removal of Mr. bin Laden. "It was the Navy SEALS." "It was an American victory, not an Obama victory."

Well, no one I know, including this writer, disagree with those statements; but as Commander In Chief of the US military, does not Mr. Obama deserve some credit for finally sending Mr. bin Laden to his watery grave? Did Presidents Roosevelt and Truman deserve credit for winning World War II? Did Ronald Reagan deserve credit for winning the Cold War? Did Mr. Reagan deserve credit for the release of the US Embassy workers who were held hostage for 444 days by Iran? (Historically and factually, a great deal of the credit for this should have gone to President Carter; but since Reagan had taken office at the time of the time of the release, the kudos were his.) I mention this because one of the items floating around on Facebook today basically said Mr. Obama just "happened to the one in office".

Yes, he is in office because the American people elected him in a virtual landslide in 2008. One of his primary duties under our Constitution is Commander In Chief of our armed forces. Unquestionably, a mission of this magnitude was reviewed, and approved, by President Obama. He reacted properly to the intelligence provided to him. He worked with National Security Staff, and he authorized the mission to have this murderous piece of human debris killed. Let's give credit where it is due.

All of this being said, it is imperative that we, as a nation, keep our guard up. I fear Mr. bin Laden's death will be used as a rallying cry by the militants, and they will attempt to retaliate quickly to prove their relevance. I am sure they will attempt to make Mr. bin Laden a martyr. We must not think that al Qaida will roll over and die (no pun intended) because of Mr. bin Laden's death.

Godspeed to our men and women in uniform, and Godspeed to President Obama.

Peace and love, my brothers and sisters.

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