Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Move On, "Birthers"!!!!

You know what I don't understand?  I don't understand why the President of the Unnited States has to wasate valuable time and resources proving to the so-called "birthers" that he was indeed born in the US.

The economic recovery remains sluggish.  Unemployment remains high.  The national debt and budget deficit remain at astronomical levels.  Wars continue slog on in the Middle east.  The country remains polarized.  Political upheaval continus to grip the Middle East.


President Obama has to deal with this inane distraction instead of focusing on the issues above and many others?  And how long do you suppose it will be before the wingnuts in the birther movement declare that Mr. Obama's birth certificate is fraudulent?  I doubt it will take long, and I am certainly waiting with baited breath for Donald Trump to release his tax returns as he promised he would do if Mr. Obama released his birth certificate. 

Speaking of The Donald, I wonder what his platform for his potential run for the White House will be?  Maybe after his multiple marriages and affairs, he can discuss his "family values"; a favorite topic of the GOP, especially Newt Gingrich. 

But I digress......................

When our country is facing so many significant hurdles, why is our president dealing with such an insignificant, baseless topic?  Why are the birthers not dismissed as the fringe group that they are?  Why are we not trying to find consensus on our issues instead wasting time, effort, and money on this?

Surely, as a country, we are better than this.

Peace and love, my brothers and sisters.

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